In Company

Discover our extensive selection of in-company presentation training programs

We, at Great Communicators, believe that people grow exponentially when they learn to communicate clearly and with power. Our training programs therefore always focus on powerful communication. We have an extensive variety of (custom-made) in-company training programs – such as speaking with impact, storytelling, first impressions, giving pitches and female leadership.

Custom-made training programs

We develop day training programs, (half-day) workshops, 90-minute power speeches, program content for events and individual coaching sessions for clients who work in the corporate world, education and in government positions. Below, you will find more about our various training programs.

Contact us to discuss your options and for tailor-made advice.

“We krijgen ons publiek mee”
~ Chris de Stigter, head FLP Center ABN AMRO

"Great Communicators heeft verhalenvertellers van ons gemaakt. De complexe materie uit ons vakgebied kunnen we nu eenvoudig uitleggen en we krijgen ons publiek mee in ons verhaal. De trainingen die wij nu zelf binnen ons bedrijf geven zijn een groot succes en dat is mede te danken aan Great Communicators."

“Ik heb plezier gekregen in spreken”
~ Geke Kiers, organisatieadviseur

"Wat ik bij Great Communicators vooral leerde, is de kwaliteit van je presentaties verder opbouwen. Ik heb plezier gekregen in het spreken voor groepen. Ik krijg daar positieve feedback op, dus anderen merken het ook."

“Het heeft mij geweldig geholpen”
~ Claire Boonstra, onderwijsvernieuwer

"Great Communicators heeft mij op meerdere momenten geweldig geholpen. Ik ben jullie enorm dankbaar en kan werkelijk iedereen aanbevelen om met behulp van Great Communicators je verhaal te versterken, verdiepen en nóg beter te maken."

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Vacature projectmanager

Storytelling Training

The most convincing visions, fantastic speeches and amazing ideas have one thing in common: they all come packed in a good story. During this training program you learn to master the intricacies of storytelling.

This program can be given both full-day or half-day. Please contact us to discuss the options.


Media Training

When you decide to speak to the media, this is a great opportunity to get your message across to a wider public.

This training program can be organized in a half-day session for smaller and larger groups. Please contact us to discuss your options.