Individual Coaching
Individual coaching is suitable for speakers who want to work on a specific presentation or pitch, or want to work on a specific issue they are experiencing.
For example: fear of public speaking, clumsy non-verbal communication or limiting beliefs. In addition, individual coaching is also suitable for speakers who wish to excel in a specific area, such as mental preparation, storytelling, verbal or non-verbal communication.
Individual coaching is suitable for both beginners and experienced speakers. We can determine how many sessions someone needs during the first coaching session. This is usually between 1 and 6 sessions, depending on the learning objectives.
Want to know more about coaching? Contact us.

Last Minute Coaching
We often receive requests from speakers who need to deliver large presentations at very short notice. Help is then required with substantive and mental preparation.
We work on story lines, presentation skills and mental preparation. All this to make a greater impact with your presentation and to be self-assured on stage.
Please contact us for more information, prices and booking.

Our methodology
A lot of presentation coaches only focus on the performance aspect. You'll learn tips and tricks for expressing yourself more effectively. This is essential, but we go two steps further. We believe that speaking with impact is about your identity. The stronger you feel, the more powerful your message is. Examining your psychology and strengthening your presence are part of that.
All the skills you can learn to master the art: storytelling, vocalisation, breathing, body posture, as well as more advanced skills for the experienced trainer.
What do you think of yourself, your audience and your subject? And are these subjects ‘fluid’, or are there still blockages? Our coaches have undergone various types of training and can help you conquer these beliefs, or conversely, strengthen them with mental strategies.
A connection with your audience. A passion for your subject. The master of your subject matter. If you succeed in all this, you will notice that your presence expands. You are yourself and in the moment more and more. We can work on this during coaching with specific interventions.